Garden Plans > 2013: Kelly Family Garden sfg

About this Garden Plan

Our spring garden. Anything outside of the raised bed is in roughly placed in the general area of the yard.

Plan Type, Soil and Location

Garden Location: Delaware County PA
Garden Size: 31' 10" x 14' 5"
Garden Type: Backyard / back garden
Garden Layout: Square Foot Garden
Sun or Shade: Sunny
Garden Soil Type: Good soil

Plan Notes

Garden Plan

Plant List

 PlantNumberPlants per Square FootNotes
Basil 44 
Beans (Pole) 648 
Beet 549 
Blackberry 10 
Blueberry 50 
Carrot 6416 
Chives 1616 
Cilantro 31 
Corn 404 
Cornflower 44 
Cucumber 62 
Eggplant 71 
Kale 21 
Lettuce (Leaf) 459 
Onion 124 
Onions (Green) 1616 
Parsley 44 
Peas 88 
Pepper 61 
Potatoes (Maincrop) 61 
Pumpkin 20 
Squash (Summer) 31 
Strawberry 54 
Sunflower 71 
Tomato (Small) 81 
Watermelon 20 

Planting Times

Plant List key