Growing and Cooking Out-Of-This-World Patty Pan Squash

, written by Barbara Pleasant us flag


Until 100 years ago, the most commonly served summer squash were round, flattened patty pan (or pattypan) squash. An ancestral food of eastern North America, patty pan squashes were the only type of squash that was eaten when young and tender; other varieties were allowed to ripen into pumpkins and gourds. Patty pan squash is the original summer squash, or “askutasquash” in the Narragansett language.

Shapely, prolific and easy to grow, patty pan squash earned a list of names as it spread across the globe. American colonists called the fruits “cymlings” because the curved edges looked like those of an Easter Simnel cake. The French called them “pâtisson,” after another molded cake, and this was likely the origin of the patty pan name. Australians called them button squash. Today, many US garden seed catalogs call them scallop squash, while in food circles they are often called scallopini or tulip squash. Some people know them as flying saucers.

You can harvest patty pan squash as babies, or let them grow to full size. Overgrown patty pan squash become gourds

Patty Pan Squash Varieties

If you want to grow a truly historic vegetable, start with ’Early White Bush’, a well-behaved producer of white fruits that has been grown in gardens for 300 years. Should you be growing a Native American Three Sisters Garden comprised of corn, beans and squash, ‘Early White Bush’ would be an authentic choice. Favored for its light green color, vigorous ‘Benning's Green Tint’ has been around for a century, and it is a favorite among seed savers. Also worth seeking out are old French varieties like ‘Patisson Panache Verte et Blanc’ (1856) or ‘Jaun et Verte’, which are white when young and tender. Older fruits left unpicked develop hard rinds with dark green stripes, and last for a year as decorative gourds.

Colorful ‘Sunburst’ produces heavy crops of tender fruits

Beautiful hybrids bred for color and productivity include yellow and green ‘Sunburst’ and dark green ‘Total Eclipse’, both of which grow as open bushes. Variety mixtures featuring yellow, light green and dark green fruits prevent squash boredom and are great fun to grow in the summer garden.

Compared to other summer squash, patty pan squash have a dense texture that helps them hold together when cooked

Growing Patty Pan Squash

Like other summer squash, patty pan squash is a warm-season crop best planted from late spring to early summer. There is no need to start seeds indoors, because the large seeds germinate within days after planting in warm garden soil. Plants can be grown in rows or hills, and you won’t need many. Three to four plants will produce a generous crop of beautiful squash that needs to be harvested at least twice a week. Use clippers to cut the fruits with a short stub of green stem attached while they are young and tender.

The sprawling bushes resemble yellow crookneck squash in their growth habit, but are of slightly less interest to squash vine borers. They are also less susceptible to powdery mildew compared to most summer squash, though disease, insects and exhaustion catch up with the plants late in the season. Expect the harvest season to start about 60 days after planting and last about a month.

After blanching, hollowed out patty pan squash are quickly chilled before freezing

Cooking with Patty Pan Squash

Historically, patty pan squash was cut into chunks, cooked until soft with a little salt, and then mashed with butter and cream. It was also served breaded and fried, like eggplant. The slightly dense texture of patty pan squash helps it hold its shape when roasted in the oven or air fryer, or you can cut crosswise “steaks” for grilling.

Patty pans are a top squash for stuffing with grains, meats or even pasta. To prepare a patty pan squash for stuffing, cut across the stem end to create a flat base, and then use a melon baller or grapefruit spoon to scoop out about half of the flesh. Sprinkle the prepared squash with salt and set aside to drain while you prepare a filling.

When supply exceeds demand, use patty pan squash to make pickle relish, or carve, blanch, and freeze patty pan “boats” to enjoy in winter. These can be great fun to bring out during the holidays, when the fluted edible bowls seem very special indeed.

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Show Comments


"Barbara, thanks for this wonderful article about patty pan squash. I've been growing them for over two decades, and just can't get enough of them (okay, maybe in the middle of summer, when I can barely keep up with the harvest). Sunburst has always been my favourite, but I'll try some of the others you suggested. I love the dense texture, which makes them a little less watery than regular yellow squash in most recipes. They also have a delicate sweetness that I find appealing. The only problem I've had is occasional disease, thanks to my local cucumber beetles. I still haven't found a solution to that problem, although last summer I had no issues. I'm hoping for another good summer this year."
Nicholas Richter on Saturday 20 May 2023
"Thanks, Nicholas. I hope more people try growing these wonderful squash! "
Barbara Pleasant on Saturday 20 May 2023

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