Grow Your Own Licorice for Healthier Treats

, written by gb flag

Harvested licorice roots

If you’ve ever tried to purchase a Christmas stocking-filler for a licorice-lover, you’ll know that there is a bewildering diversity of options to enjoy. From black licorice wheels to licorice allsorts to Pontefract cakes – even a highly salted licorice confection favored in Nordic countries - there is a licorice for everyone. If you like licorice, that is. Plenty (me included!) don’t.

But interestingly, licorice extract is taken from the root of a plant that can easily be grown in many areas (not to be confused with the licorice plant, Helichrysum petiolare, which is not edible). By all accounts true licorice root (Glycyrrhiza glabra) tastes a world away from the sugary processed candies available in the stores, which are often laced with anise and other flavorings. Considering how strongly licorice fans feel about their favorite culinary indulgence, it seems strange that the real deal isn’t more commonly grown.

Licorice root is a culinary experience unlike the licorice candies we're all familiar with

Growing Licorice

When you realize how long it takes to achieve a harvest of licorice, the reason it is not more popular becomes clearer. Commercially, licorice plants are not harvested until they are four or five years old. However, in the home garden it is possible to take a small harvest after three years – about the length of time it takes for your first harvest of asparagus.

But it you have the patience the rewards are worth it. Growing from seed isn’t especially difficult but germination can be erratic, so it’s worth sowing extra in case of failures. Sow seeds on the surface of potting compost in mid to late spring or early autumn. Don’t cover them. Keep them warm – about 20°C (68°F) – and with any luck, two or three weeks later your licorice seedlings should have popped up.

Alternatively, you may be able to source one- or two-year-old plants. Licorice will send up new shoots from spreading underground stems, known as rhizomes, from its second year. These can also be cut off and used to grow new plants.

Licorice sends out roots that can reach lengths of several meters

Licorice is fairly hardy once established, so in most regions it can be planted out once the last spring frost has safely passed. In really cold regions it may be best to plant in a container and bring it into a greenhouse or other sheltered place for winter, but make it a deep pot because licorice has very long roots!

Licorice Growing Conditions

While licorice is slow to get going, it has the potential to become quite large after four or five years – up to two meters (six feet) tall, with a spread of about a meter (three feet). If you’re planting in a flowerbed make sure to leave plenty of space around the plants for digging up the root. With its violet or pale blue flowers and ferny foliage licorice makes an attractive plant for the back of the border, so this isn’t as crazy as it may sound! You could always plant shallow-rooting summer annuals like marigolds around it.

Licorice makes an effective foil for other plants at back of the border

A riverbank plant by nature, licorice likes plenty of water and sunshine. Avoid windy spots and frost pockets. Sandy soil is a must. If your soil is very heavy, prepare it before planting. Dig a pit at least two spits wide and deep (a spit is the length of a spade blade). Remove any stones, mix the soil with lots of compost and fill it back in.

Licorice is a legume, and like other legumes it fixes nitrogen at its roots so rarely needs additional fertilizer. It will, however, appreciate occasional mulching to help keep weeds down and retain moisture while at the same time providing extra nutrients. Never let the soil dry out.

Slugs, caterpillars and spider mites can be a problem, and the plants can suffer from powdery mildew. Protect them from rabbits too. Otherwise licorice is pretty trouble-free.

Dry licorice roots for teas and baking

Harvesting Licorice

When it’s finally time to reap your just rewards, dig up your licorice root plant. The roots are brownish-yellow, long and flexible, with a yellow, juicy interior. Harvest the thickest horizontal roots but leave the deep tap root and thinner horizontal roots to grow on. Replant or bring it under cover for winter in very cold areas.

Chewed fresh, the root tastes sweet and a little salty. The sweetness intensifies the more you chew and release the sap. Licorice can be used for flavoring a wide array of dishes and drinks. The roots can also be dried for later use in teas and baking. Try keeping a root in a jar of sugar to flavor cakes with.

Make sure to harvest it each year, because if left unharvested licorice roots can reach startling lengths. Four meters (13 feet) is common, and eight meters (26 feet) is not unheard of. Try untangling that from your flowerbed!

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"program on tv had a guy claiming he was growing the only and last liquorice plant in UK! the root in the shops comes from Turkey - so theer is a definite opportunity for market gardenefs in uk! Caution chewing too much root will cause high blood pressure - my pulse went from 61 to 100 before I realised the new dizzyness was due to the liquorice! One woman binge liquorice sweets and went into a coma. Hospital managed to save her."
Rose White on Saturday 26 December 2020
"Hi there I have been looking for liquorice seeds for years Do you stock or know where to source please? Many thanks Kaz"
Kaz Wilson on Monday 15 February 2021
"Hi Kaz. If you're in the UK try suppliers like Mr Fothergill's, Suttons or Chiltern Seeds. Elsewhere, I'd recommend contacting seed companies that deliver to your area and see if they can supply seeds or point you in the right direction. "
Ann Marie Hendry on Tuesday 16 February 2021
"I grow liquorice and bought the plants from a nursery (Carr gate) in Wakefield about 10 years ago. They sucker quite prolifically and I give away several plants each year.. Easy to grow and can be invasive "
Angela on Friday 16 April 2021
"I have grown 2 plants from seed in my allotmeng. They are about 2 years old now so not harvested yet. Not noticed any suckers get but good to know I can get more plants from them. Really looking forward to trying some tea with them "
Andrea on Sunday 30 May 2021
"I have tried to grow liquorice from seed and ordered the seed from suttons twice but each time up came Hyssop not Liquorice. My advice would be to go to Brandycarr Nurseries easy to find with google. they are specialists and my plant igot from them was first class."
Ann Hutchings on Tuesday 3 August 2021
"I grow them, starting them from seed in pots for the first year, bringing them into the greenhouse for the winter. I learned in my first year that mice love them. They got into the greenhouse and dug through the soil to get every root they could find. Now, once the foliage dies back, I cover the pots with mesh in the winter to protect them."
Sol on Sunday 12 February 2023
"Great tip Sol! "
Ann Marie Hendry on Tuesday 14 February 2023
"I'd like to add that Helichrysum petiolare is actually very edible, contrary to the statement made in the introduction. It can be used as a sweet tasting tea, a insect repellent, bedding and so much more. Zulus even use the leaves in calling on their ancestors."
Ludwig on Tuesday 5 December 2023
"I am growing liquorice. It is so exciting because I heard this would be difficult in the UK. It's a special type which name I cannot remember, sorry. A lot of these were very expensive, but I managed to get one that was not so. I also cover my liquorice plant through the winter, after the leaves have died back, and as the stems are spindly I cut them back to almost ground level (easier to apply the winter duvet). Mine is growing under grass, in a sunny, south facing spot in soil that is quite damp, here, at the foot of the Cambrian Mountains. Extra protection for the roots, I had thought. Every Spring it looks dead, but it isn't and 3 years on, this is the healthiest I have ever seen it! I expect it grows to about 1.5ft tall now. I remind my neighbour 'If I die this winter, don't forget there is hundreds/thousands of pounds out the back, under the grass!' Haha. I may dig up some root up next year. "
Anne Lester on Friday 8 November 2024
"Sounds like your liquorice is loving life in the Cambrian Mountains Anne! Good luck with your harvest."
Ann Marie Hendry on Friday 8 November 2024

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